On May 13th Tori Cat will be walking the "k2B" Keswick to Barrow walk-
40 miles through out the beautiful Lake District from Keswick to Barrow as part of #josappeal raising vital funds for people who’s lives have been touched by cancer.
Jos Appeal (Registered Charity: 1165020) Supports
The Eve Appeal, StMarys Hospice & Furness General Oncology Unit
Tori will be walking in memory of Jo-anne Davies who the charity is in name of and who inspires us to "GO FOR JO" every day
Tori will be also doing this with the very special Daniel Carrick in her heart. @danandsimba
Tori promised Danny she would do this walk for him whilst he was going through his cancer treatment in 2021, with the hope he would have been well enough to do this walk with her one day- sadly that’s not been the case- but she’s determined to keep her promise, and make both him and Jo proud.
Tori Cat will be walking with her dogs, Wilfy and Benny, on the big day, and is feel pretty confident we’ll smash this!
Wilfy and Benny will be Tori’s supPAWt crew on the day, helping pull her up the hills and get her past the finish line.
Thanks for all the support!! We got this!!
If you would like to donate, you can do here: